Sour, spicy, salty, sweet flavor and health

Each person has his/her own physical characteristics, therefore; the demand for sour, spicy, sweet, salty flavor … of each person is different. This person likes to eat sweet food while others like to eat sour, spicy food… Through studies, nutritionists have summarized that flavors in the food have specific roles and effects to the health and illness of each person.

Sweet flavor

Sweet flavor in food has stimulating effect on the brain. Therefore, in the breakfast people often use cakes and milk to have the sound mind for a new day.
Sweet flavor is useful for vitality, reducing muscle tension and increasing the liver detoxification. The body should absorb sweet flavor from a variety of different food (such as from ripe fruits). However, we should not use much sugar because eating much sugar may have the risk of hyperglycemia, obesity, inflammation of optic nerves and cataracts.

Salty flavor

Salty flavor in food is mainly originated from salt. Salt in the body has effect of keeping the blood capacity normal, controlling the absorption and excretion of water in body cells. In addition, salty flavor has the effect on information transmitting function of the nerves, transforming protein and sugar. Salty flavor is an indispensable flavor enhancer in the daily diet of people. But eating too much salt will be harmful to health; in particular, those with heart disease and high blood pressure should not eat salty food.

Sour flavor

In addition to appetizing effect, sour flavor in food also stimulates digestion, creating appetite, creating relaxation and increasing the disease resistance ability for liver, increasing the absorption of minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron. Apart from that, sour foods are rich in vitamin C, which helps prevent aging and is useful for the immune system. For example, yogurt is very good for the bowel and preventing constipation.

Spicy flavor

Spicy food will have the effect of activating blood circulation, stimulating peristalsis in the stomach, intestine, increasing digestion exudation, impulsing blood circulation and metabolism in the body. Some spicy flavor such as fresh ginger may restrict indisposition, treat influenza. The spicy flavor of garlic has antiseptic effect, dysentery treatment. Hot pepper has active vitality and vessel regulation effects. Hot flavour has too strong stimulating effect, so people with hemorrhoids, chapped anus, constipation, stomach ulcers and other skin diseases should eat little spicy food.

Bitter flavour:

Bitter flavor has heat reduction, blood regulationeffect.

(Source: Internet)

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