No matter what time day or night, a steaming bowl of Pho soup is never hard to find in Vietnam. Just as Pad Thai in Thailand, this dish in Vietnam is one of best delicious Vietnamese Food in the country.
And everyone around the world always wants eating Pho when they have a chance to go to Vietnam. The balanced tastes of sweet, salty, spicy, and citrus are highly contagious; Pho usually becomes an instant favorite for anyone visiting Vietnam.

- 4 dried “Oh! Ricey” rice noodle cakes
- 100gr of beef tips or marrow for broth
- Marrow beef bones
- 150gr of beef fillet
- 150gr of beef ball.
- 2 dried shallots
- 1 small white onion, 1 small ginger, spring onion, coriander, cinnamon, star anise, parsley, basil, bean sprout, lime.
- Spices: salt, monosodium glutamate, fish sauce, ketchup, chilli sauce.
– Bring a pot of beef, bone and 2 liters of water to a simmer; remove lather from the broth and season with salt. Add two grilled shallots and one ginger into the broth. Cook for 1 hour, add monosodium, cinnamon and star anise.
– Thinly slice beef fillet and done beef
– Cut white onion into thin strips
– Put 4 dried “Oh! Ricey” rice noodle cakes into boiling water, cook for about 2 -> 3 minutes, and then pick them out, rinse with cold water and drain.
– Place rice noodles into a bowl, cover with beef, onion, and ladle the broth with beef ball, coriander and scallion. Sprinkle with a little pepper.