In Acecook Vietnam, the ingredients and products must pass a series of processes for quality control, food safety and hygiene. In order to quickly and timely produce accurate test results, the company has invested in building a modern Laboratory which meets international standard ISO/ IEC 17025 and accredited by Bureau of Accreditation (BoA) under Ministry of Science and Technology in 2015.
“accuracy, honesty, and objectivity of the test results”
is the motto of our laboratory.
Modern laboratory
Physiochemical and microbiological laboratory
To test the physiochemical and microbiological properties in accordance with the declaration on product quality submitted Vietnam Food Administration.
(Moisture, fat, and protein contents, acid and perocid index of oil, heavy metal, total aerobic microorganisms, etc.)
Modern equipments
Microwave oven
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)
Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (LC/MS/MS)
Updating the latest technology
In 2015, Acecook has invested and operated a dedicated laboratory for testing GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) in food.
Human resources
The laboratory is operated by 30 qualified staffs who are regularly trained at prestigious analytical centers in the country and Acecook Japan.