–          Clean chicken, put in pot to boil. When chicken is cooked, take it out and chop into bite-sized pieces. Use the water for boiling to make broth.

–          Flavour the broth with spices. Wash herbs, bean sprouts, leave them dry.

–          Peel onions and shallots, wash them, cut them into slices.

–          Swiftly dip rice noodles and bean sprouts in boiling water, take them out into bowls. Add onions, shallots. Place chicken pieces on top.

–          Pour hot broth in the bowl evenly. Serve with chilli sauce, hoisin sauce, lemon and sliced chilli

- 500gr boiled local chicken. - 400gr fresh rice noodles. - 1 onion. - 2 shallots. - Bean sprouts, herbs. - Salt, sugar, seasoning powder.