Section 7: Instant noodle and other problems related to health

Questions related to instant noodle

Section 7: Instant noodle and other problems related to health

Source (Free Information Portal for Health Consultant)

On the afternoon of March 23rd, doctor of “medical joy” – Luong Le Hoang spent more than 2 hours to consult, discuss directly with AloBacsi readers about questions related with instant noodle pack.



– Hoai Thanh – thanhhoainguyen…

I have had gastralgia for 5 years. Sometime it hurts which makes me cannot sleep all night, I woke up at 1~2am, eat one noodle pack and then take medicine. I want to ask that after eating instant noodle is there any harm for my health? A person who has trouble with stomach, eating Hao Hao spicy and sour shrimp flavor causes more serious illness? Thank you doctor for spending time to answer.


Doctor Luong Le Hoang:

Dear Hoai Thanh,

In general, the sour taste of instant noodle, particularly the Tom Yum flavor, is only detrimental when treating acute gastritis because it can irritate stomach’s mucous membrane discharge more sour substance. It should be noted that Thai physician even use Kaffir Lime leaf which is a meterial to produce Tom Yum, to treat acute gastritis and colitis

Hoai Thanh should note that depending on each type of gastritis drug which must be taken when you are hungry or full. The habit of when feel pain, get up to eat instant noodle and take medication is a serious mistake because the disease cannot be completely treated if do like that

Instead of “let the grass grow under one’s feet”, patient should practise a habit of taking a medicine before going to bed and after eating rich protein noodle to heal ulcer such as seaween noodle + miso (Wakame, Acecook). The result of applying this method for 30 gastritis patients showed that the effect of treatment with specific drugs is improved distinctly

– Phuong Linh – linhlndy…

I usually work at night, I usually eat one package of noodle before go to sleep. Eating noodle at nigh is so delicious and good-smelling. But my sister said that eating noodle at night is really easy to gain weight, even intimidated that eating one package of noodle need to run 60 minutes per day to not gain weight? Is that right? I hope to receive consultation of doctor

Doctor Luong Le Hoang:

Dear Phuong Linh,

Weight gain with metabolic disorder occurs only when out of balance of input and output, when input is redundant while output is deadlocked! With food which contains much starch, such as instant noodle, people who are lazy to exercise, fat is not completely burned and accumulated on the abdominal wall, thigh, and buttock.

In case of people who have lots of work, even only mental work, people who wear out all energy, how instant noodle can make them fat? By contrast, thank to the full and appetising feeling, good health because of getting over hypoglycaemia which makes pituitary gland excrete serotonin for peaceful sleep, endorphin for joy of living feeling when waking up

Thanks to the full feeling and enough blood sugar, people sleep well, the process of collagen synthesis process under skin is done with the speed and productivity as desired to help people ready for new day with wrinkle on the forehead and around canthus are belong to…others.

-Kao Ba Thoai – Ha Noi

Dear AloBacsi, my child is 6 years old, is fastidious about one’s food but if I put some noodle on my child’s food, he will eat well. But I worry that eating much istant noodle is difficult to digest. Please advice me whether I give instant noodle for my child or not?

Doctor Luong Le Hoang:

Dear Thoai,

First of all, children eat instant noodle as a side dish, even as the “spice” of meal, show that children are lack of salt. Parents should flavor food to make it delicious and moreish, do not flavor like theoretical advice and monstrous food of “nutritionist” who has never raised children any day.

With moderate instant noodles children can not digest. It is better if parents do not forget to make instant noodle as various as possible, sometime boiled noodle or fried noodle sometime dried noodle. In addition, adding some cabbage, fruit, yogurt with probiotics; the meal with istant noodle will be more delicious and safety.

– Reader sends a question from fanpage AloBacsi – Ask doctor for the answer

My younger sister is in seven-months pregnant but she has gestational diabetes. Her meal is based on a diet of diabetes pregnant women. However, from having morning sickness to now, she has desired instant noodle. Should diabetes pregment woman eat instant noodle? If yes, how much? Thank you very much.

Doctor Luong Le Hoang:

Nutrion of pregnant woman, who unluckily gets diabetes syndrome during pregnancy, especially in the last 3 months of gestation period, depends on doctor who has responsibility to that pregnant woman. Depending on the amount of sugar in blood and protein in urine, the doctor tells what to eat and which food?

It can be said that everybody crave for instant noodle, even pregnant woman. The way to reduce the desire for instant noodle is closing eyes and think about angelic face of your baby and his/her crying which brings smile for the Earth where is lack of human love day by day. After giving birth, she can eat instant noodle again.

– Phung My – Hung Vuong 3, Phu My Hung, 7 Distric, Ho Chi Minh City

Dear doctor, I have two childen, one is 4 years old and one is 1 year old. My wife and I go to work and let our maid look after them. My two children are growing normally, even chubby.

Last week when I stayed at home, I found out that in order to help them eat well, our maid usually cooked noodle and cut into small piece and then mixed with rice or porridge. I was very angry and did not allow her do like that anymore.

But when there is only rice, my children missed the meand and became anorexic. They are familiar with eating rice with istant noodle. Now what should I do? Compromise and continue to give them instant noodle or resolutely force them stop eating instant noodle?

I do not know that if young children eat much instant noodle, is there any impact on the stomach? I really worry about that, until today when I know Alobacsi organizes the consultation about instant noodle, I am really happy and hope receive advice from doctor, How to make my chidren eat well again?

Thank you very much Alobacsi and Mr Luong Le Hoang. Best regards.

Doctor Luong Le Hoang

Dear Phung My

In the consultant program for malnourished child patient, mental retardation because of chronic disease, side-effect of antibiotic abuse, I have encouraged nutrition regimen with instant noodle to enhance the taste of child as well as provide energy in the morning to enjoy a new day.

The concept of instant noodle is harmful to children does not have a sound basis. The core issue here is to find out the way to make children eat well, children love to eat with suitable dose and frequency. The important point is that that children develop harmoniously on both mental and physical side.


Information Portan for health consultant –



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